Last night we watched a documentary on PBS, its called "Rainer, The Mountain." The documentary really reminded me on how majestic Mt. Rainier is. The documentary talks about the history of the mountain. The Native tribes in the area have stories about the mountain and their name for it was "Mt. Tacoma." American skiing started on there. Of course it has a little blurb about Lou and Jim Whittaker. It talks about the volcano. If anyone is interested in watching it, I researched where it can be found. You can by it at
Channel 9's website or its on netflix if you have it. Especially those that don't live here in Washington I think you should take the time to watch the video and appreciate "our mountain." I really don't want to over educate myself before I get to the top. I want to know that its going to be hard so that I train properly. I want to know that its going to be dangerous, enough that I take the mountain seriously and not think its going to be a walk in the park. However, I do not want to know how big of a cravass I have to walk over before I get up there or how far down a cliff might be. The mind is a powerful muscle and I don't want it to be the reason that I don't make it up to the top! I hope that some of you watch the documentary and learn the love Mt. Rainier as much as I do.
FYI: I took this pic a year ago before I knew I was going to climb it!
Thanks for sharing the information about the DVD. I have seen it before, but it's always an inspiring piece. I have it netflixed now for another viewing!
Visit Rainier wishes you all the best for a safe, successful and awe-inspiring climb to the top. Looking forward to reading all about your experience!
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