This morning I received a call from work at 5am that I got a 8 hour no pay! I was super excited because this meant that I could join in on the group training hike up Tiger Mountain #3. I didn't sleep well last night so I woke up a bit grumpy despite the fact that I got to go on the hike. We were running a bit late but we went to go get coffee anyway. On the way to coffee I saw a guy using his trekking poles as he was crossing the street. Had I not been a bit grumpy I might had found that a bit humorous but instead I realized, "Oh my gosh! We forgot our poles!" So we grabbed some coffee then back to the house to get the poles. I was freaking out that we were going to be late, if you're not there and ready to hike at 9 am they will leave you. But we made it with 10 minutes to spare! The morning was clear and beautiful but freezing! We started up the gravel road to the trailhead. After a quick potty break we were on our way up Tiger Mountain. I was in the beginning of the train with Gavin and Richard and not too far into it I was having a hard time. My nose wouldn’t stop running (I forgot tissues again), my pack was driving me absolutely bonkers it wouldn't synch right without hurting something on me, and I was having a hard time breathing. So needless to say I was having a difficult time keeping up and felt like a complete failure. I had to pull off to the side of the trail and had a complete breakdown. My wonderful husband pulled over with me and helped me continue on our way but at a much slower pace. After a few minutes my meltdown resolved and other hikers had slowed down as well. Carna, our event planner, didn't want to keep with the crazy pace of the pack either so she and I hiked at a much better pace behind the rest of them. It was great! I got to know her a little better and was able to breathe!

Up for a hike on Saturday 4/16?
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