For my birthday this year Gavin got me a new road bike! I was super excited about it. Because he didn't know what size I would need we ordered it on my birthday and it didn't come until May 11th! BOO! When I knew that I was getting a bike I signed up for the bike to work compitiion. My floor has a team this year, "One well trained Giraffe." All I have to do is ride 4 days in the month of May. Growing up in Montana I rode my mountain bike all around as a kid. I had never been on a road bike. So on May 11th, the day we got back from Montana, we got my bike out and started practicing around our neighborhood. I did fine on the side streets and got a bit anxious going down the busier street with a bike lane. I'm not use to there being cars when I'm on a bike, Montana doesn't have many! ;) So after about a hour or so of practicing we headed back home. I had to work the 12-14th and I wanted to ride my bike at least one of those days. Gavin didn't want me riding to work just yet, he thought that I needed some more practice. So we had the intention of me practicing after work on the 12th and 13th but sadly that didn't happen but I was going to ride anyway! So on Friday, May 14th I made my first trek into work.....with Gavin by my side! :) He's such a sweet husband, he took me to work on my bike to make sure I would make it okay then he had to turn around and head back home. But, thats okay, for those of you that don't know yet, Gavin is planning on riding the Livestrong Challenge (100 miles) on June 20th. The ride to work was pretty uneventful. It was about 5.5 miles (the short cut but less safe route) and took about 35 minutes.I made it to work on time! So for the ride home after work, Gavin was going to meet me half way. This time I took the longer route which follows the
Burke Gilman Trail all the way to 8th Ave then I have to ride up 8th Ave hill home; 7.5 miles but much safer! I was doing pretty good going by myself, I had just gone through the three UW stoplights and was at the last crosswalk which didn't have a light when the car didn't stop. Now don't worry I didn't try to go but I was really upset that they didn't stop and must have gotten a little sidetracked and forgot that I needed to be paying attention to my balance. For the next thing I know I was falling over toward the side of my bike that still had my foot in the straps and WABAM I'm on the ground! OUCH! The guy next to me flew off his bike to help me. I told him I was okay just REALLY REALLY embarrassed. After recieving a bruised knee and ego I got back on the bike to meet up with Gavin.

We made it home, I even made it up the 8th ave hill (long but not steep) without stopping there was some whinning involved but no stopping! So in total on my first day riding to work I rode 13 miles, it took me a total of 1 hour and 35 minutes. Thats a good workout I suppose. Lou Whittaker one day told us that any type of excerise is good: walking, stair climbing, biking, or hiking. YAY!

On Saturday, Gavin and I met up with our friend Jim and tootled around a bit on the bikes, it was gorgeous outside. I think for this day our total of riding miles might have been around 16. I'm not going to go into details because there really weren't any. I plan on riding to work tomorrow, hopefully it goes well!
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