Thursday, January 28, 2010
Stairs in the Dark!
Tonight, Gavin and I went down to the Golden Garden stairs. By the time Gavin fought through traffic, got home, and we drove down there it was 5:55pm and dark! Golden Gardens does not have lights! I brought along my headlamp just in case this was true. Good thing. We didn't do the whole set of stairs because it was just too sketchy walking around on the trail with only one of us have a light. So, we walked up and down the top set, about 75 stairs. I'm not sure how many we did but we did it for 30 minutes! ~Naisha
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Catch up of the last week!
I'm going to start from the beginning of our week.
Saturday: Gavin and I climbed the Golden Garden stairs again. We climbed them twice but it wasn't great for me. I think that Gavin could have kept going but felt bad that I couldn't. I felt like a car running on empty. I had nothing to keep me going. My legs were like lead! Last time I went with my mom was the best I had felt while doing the stairs and I had eaten half of a peanut butter sandwich.
Monday: Gavin, my mom, and I climbed the Eastlake stairs after Gavin got done with work. It was fun with the three of us. Gavin and I did the whole thing 3 times, my mom did it 2.5 times. I ate the peanut butter sandwich before and drank more liquids than the last time on the Eastlake stairs. I felt like more energy than on Saturday.
Tuesday: My mom and I did the Burien stairs. These were new stairs for me. I really liked them. There were 280 stairs and we did them 5 times. That equals 1400 stairs! This was the first time that I felt really great about what I had accomplished. These stairs are hidden! You have to hike maybe a quarter of a mile before you get to the stairs. Then there they are, hidden in the trees. The only thing they go to is a beach! The great thing about these stairs is that once you go down the only way out is back up! I tried to run the last time up. I made a couple of flights but couldn't make it all the way. Next time....try to run on the second time not the fifth!
Saturday: Gavin and I climbed the Golden Garden stairs again. We climbed them twice but it wasn't great for me. I think that Gavin could have kept going but felt bad that I couldn't. I felt like a car running on empty. I had nothing to keep me going. My legs were like lead! Last time I went with my mom was the best I had felt while doing the stairs and I had eaten half of a peanut butter sandwich.
Monday: Gavin, my mom, and I climbed the Eastlake stairs after Gavin got done with work. It was fun with the three of us. Gavin and I did the whole thing 3 times, my mom did it 2.5 times. I ate the peanut butter sandwich before and drank more liquids than the last time on the Eastlake stairs. I felt like more energy than on Saturday.

Today: A day of rest so we can go out tomorrow! ~Naisha
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Eastlake stairs
Last night, Gavin and I climbed the Eastlake stairs twice. Those stairs are longer than the Golden Garden ones. I learned last night that it's hard to exercise when you haven't had enough to drink! New Goal for me: DRINK MORE LIQUIDS!!! I'm working 12 hour shifts the rest of the week so I won't be on the stairs till Saturday. ~Naisha
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Anniversary Weekend

Thursday, January 14, 2010
I'm a little behind in posting this time! On Tuesday, I talked my mom into going out with me! :) So down to Golden Gardens the two of us went. It was down pouring rain but we went anyway! The first time to the top of the stairs my mom was huffing and puffing a little but she did pretty good. She didn't want to go again, she didn't think she could make it, BUT I talked her into it and she did great the second time!!
The top set of stairs are the steapest. My mom was taking it slow on the way down. And I thought, "hmm, I'll climb these to where my mom is so I'm not just standing here". So I start going back up the last set, by the time I got to her there were only 10 more stairs so I thought, "might as well just finish them." As I'm catching my breath I turn around to see my mom hiking back up behind me! She's not gonna let me have one on her! So I run back down as she's treking up. I get to the bottom and try to do it again. I'll just go to where she is then walk down with her. Again, once I get up there I might as well finish to the top. I turn around and there she is treking up behind me again! I was tempted to go up those last 50 one more time but decided I shouldn't push it too hard, my legs did feel like Jello.
There is one more semi-steap set of stairs. My mom was taking it slow because they were so wet so I beat her to the bottom. I decided to go back up those ones one more time. I expected her to be right behind me again but she let me have one on her! :) I think she feared it would never end! :) We had a great time. Now its Thursday and my calves are killing me! The right one inparticular. I was gonna go out and climb again today but thought I'll make sure the calves are rested then go out tomorrow!!! I guess a little competition is good, I pushed myself a little harder than I would have if I'd gone by myself! Thanks mom!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
First day of training!! WAHOO!
So this morning Gavin and I got our butts going! We climbed the stairs at Golden Garden Parks, TWICE! I counted them, there were 283 stairs plus a little trail in between. I will be completely honest: I AM OUTTA SHAPE! The first climb up was really tough for me. I was huffing and puffing the whole way up. At the top we had to stroll down the sidewalk to get my heart and respiratory rate back to normal. Going down was a bit sketchy because the steap steps were wet but much better then going up. Once I got to the bottom I really didn't want to go again but I was determined to push through! The second time was definitely still a work out but my breathing was much easier and it felt amazing once we finished! We took pictures with my phone! ~Naisha

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The New Year!
Now with the holidays over and a new year started we really need to get our butts in gear! For Christmas, Gavin and I got a couple of REI gift cards which is going to be so helpful in getting our required items for the climb. Our first meeting is February 16th which I'm really excited for because that is when we will be meeting all the other registered climbers. The first group hike is March 26th! That is why we need to get our butts in gear! We haven't gotten very far on our fundraising yet. I recieved a $100 toward my fundraising for Christmas which was awesome! Thanks Cathy!! Gavin and Richard are still at $0 I believe. But hopefully not for long! Today I have been working on posters that we can put up in the businesses around us. I was going to post them on here but can't figure out how because they are pdf. I'll post them at the bottom of the blog page. I'm sure that Gavin will want to redesign them but that is okay. Just need to get a start on things. Let me know you're thoughts of them!