Saturday: Gavin and I climbed the Golden Garden stairs again. We climbed them twice but it wasn't great for me. I think that Gavin could have kept going but felt bad that I couldn't. I felt like a car running on empty. I had nothing to keep me going. My legs were like lead! Last time I went with my mom was the best I had felt while doing the stairs and I had eaten half of a peanut butter sandwich.
Monday: Gavin, my mom, and I climbed the Eastlake stairs after Gavin got done with work. It was fun with the three of us. Gavin and I did the whole thing 3 times, my mom did it 2.5 times. I ate the peanut butter sandwich before and drank more liquids than the last time on the Eastlake stairs. I felt like more energy than on Saturday.

Today: A day of rest so we can go out tomorrow! ~Naisha
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