This weekend was our first year wedding anniversary! We spent it out at the Washington coast. We didn't do the best at training but we at least did get out and move around. On Friday the 15th we took a 3 mile hike on the beach. We thought walking in the sand would be a good change. Saturday we went to Lake Quinault, we got out and did a few little hikes nothing too exciting. However some of them where nice uphill ones. Saw some LARGE trees and gorgeous waterfalls! Sunday (our anniversary) we drove the Olympic Pennisula. Again, only did little hikes. But the one advantage of Washington is...there are hills everywhere you go! haha The coast was amazing and makes you truely appreciate nature! A couple of storms passed through so the waves were huge, whole trees were being tossed around as though they were twigs! We had a great weekend, now back to the grind...hopefully. We are planning on climbing the Eastlake stairs this evening after Gavin gets off work. We finalized our poster and business cards. The letter is done, just waiting to hear about contribution slips so we are able to send those along with the letters. ~Naisha
cool I will try and get my $5 in before feb 28
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